Friday, July 20, 2012

some of my High School memories :)

when we use our sport clothes

this is our batik uniform 

it's on Friday, we use Moslem clothes :)

this is our action guys 

here we are, ARMADA MASA DEPAN !!

until finally we use this clothes,
and we was announced that we had pass from our High School

i miss u so much guys, i miss my moment with you all :*


  1. ssuukkaaa banget ama foto2 nya..

    apalagi yg foto yang pake baju batik yang di depan kelas MTK.. hahaha, lucu banget.. jadi kangen.

  2. eh ada adek mei :D
    iya dek, lagi kangen sama anak-anak nih dek -,-

  3. jadi members blogku donk neng :D
